New Book Reveals A Counterintuitive Mortgage Lead Generation Approach That Generates 5 - 10 New Clients On Autopilot Every Single Month

Without Cold Calling, Prospecting or Meetings - And Best of All Building an Automated Mortgage Lead Machine to put your Mortgage Lead Generation on Autopilot and a sustainable and secure business


  • Transform your marketing message and create unstoppable demand for your services

  • Wipe out the competition by differentiating yourself from all the other mortgage brokers out there

  • Get laser-focused with your marketing so as you attract high quality prospects for a lower cost

  • Sell the value of your service so as you can charge higher fees

  • Turn cold leads into warm leads and get qualified leads calling you every day
  • Turn leads into high value clients

  • Build a sustainable and consistent mortgage business by maximising the lifetime value of each client

  • Build an army of fans who will market your business and generate new leads for you

  • Become a recognised expert in the mortgage industry

  • And much more!


Tired of talking to timewasters? This system means you'll only be dealing with people who are ready to take action.


Discover how to showcase your knowledge and build credibility and rapport with your new client before you've even spoken to them.


Learn how to automate the process of following up with prospects so as they are more likely to become clients.

Are you a mortgage broker looking for a way to boost your revenues, help more people or stand out from the competition to become a recognised authority in your field?

Then this might just be the most important thing you ever read.

But first…


I’m about to share with you one of the most effective high conversion formulas out there that will make your business skyrocket with sales and fill your calendar with appointments… No matter what the economic situation is in your country (or even the whole world), no matter how many giants of competitors you are facing. It doesn’t even matter how much you have struggled up to now.

However, implementing this strategy is NOT easy: this isn’t a magic spell you just cast on your business. You need to take your time and put in effort in order to see it flourish and give results.

It might even not work the first time you implement it. You need to stay focused and refine every aspect of it until the engine is roaring and ready to go.

This isn’t one of those “Get rich quick” formulas that claim you can develop a fortune overnight.

You might have been thrilled by the ads you are bombarded with continuously by gurus in their private jets, champagne glasses in hand… Telling you, there’s a fast, easy way to make your business feed your wallet even without you doing anything.

Well, let me tell you: those “magic pills” never actually work out.

In life, everything needs effort: there’s no such thing as an easy fix.

If you want to see your business grow, then you have to act… Because the situation won’t suddenly change.

No, this system is the breakthrough you were looking for to generate consistent, qualified leads on autopilot… Once you have optimised it.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with the old, outdated lead generation methods you might have tried out up to now.

Those also don’t work.

How do I know it?

Because I’ve been in your shoes, too.

I have tried word of mouth methods, hoping one day the message would get so widely spread as to fill my calendar with appointments.

But the reality is, most consumers are shy and don’t really like to talk about products, services, and businesses.

So what happens is, in 90% of the cases, the word that’s spread around about your services is just chatter, that does absolutely nothing to showcase what you are offering.

Just think about it: How many times in your life you’ve gone around talking about a product to your friends?

I know I don’t do that very often.

Many years ago, when I owned my own mortgage brokerage, I have also tried purchasing a batch of “hot” leads from lead generation companies...

But, in the end, they didn’t turn out to be so hot.

Yes, I had what seemed to be a mouthful of juicy prospects… But I can assure you, I found it very difficult to turn them into customers.

The quality of the service these websites provide is very poor, and one high-quality lead in 100 isn’t going to make the difference for your business.

So you could say I was starting to get desperate with my old business: everything I did was literally to no avail.

And yet, I believed in my business and the services I was offering, and I couldn’t afford to just stay there and watch the ship sink.

It was my main source of income, but it wasn’t providing as much money as I would have hoped for…

This is the reason why I put myself to work, and I have analysed, researched, and tested out many different strategies so that I could come up with the best working one.

So it’s after 6 months of long hours of work, focused effort, and countless revisions, during the midst of the chaos that my mortgage brokerage business was in... that I came up with the most effective lead generation system there is… And I’m thrilled to share my secret formula with you.


I’ve put together a 94 page eBook that you can read in an afternoon.

This isn’t your typical marketing book with nothing but a bunch of theories. This book takes you step-by-step through my process of generating highly qualified mortgage leads using a system that pays for itself.

And when you can generate dozens of leads everyday at little or no cost, the impact that has on your business and finances is immediate and massive.

And when you can generate dozens of leads everyday at little or no cost, the impact that has on your business and finances is immediate and massive.



The only reason a qualified prospect wouldn't make an appointment to speak with you about their mortgage is because they aren't certain you can help them.

Think about's important!

If someone who needs a mortgage or remortgage is 100% certain you can help them get the finance they want...there is NO reason why they wouldn't want to become a client of yours.

And this process ensures these things happen...

Each "lead" is qualified because before you even speak to them they have already got to know, like and trust you without you having to lift a finger.

They've given you their contact details in return for getting some of your best and most useful content in the form of a free guide or report. And if this content is genuinely helpful (this is key), then you will be building credibility with your prospects and demonstrating to them that you can help.

Getting more Qualified Prospects who are Certain you can help them is game changing for your business.

My book walks you through the whole process.

Here's Just a Small Taster of What You'll Get...

  • The huge mistake nearly every mortgage broker makes when trying to grow their client bank and what you should be doing instead (page 13)

  • Why most marketing campaigns fail to get results (page 24)

  • How to get cheaper traffic from Google which actually converts better than the more expensive traffic (page 32)

  • How to take ultra cheap visitors from Facebook and turn them from cold leads into warm ones (page 89)

  • How to get inside the head of your ideal client and ensure you are providing solutions to their most pressing problems (page 27)

  • My proven step-by-step process for creating an irresistible lead magnet (page 57)
  • How to produce eye-catching and professional looking PDF reports without needing any design skills (page 61)

  • Details of the best and easiest tool (no, it's not Clickfunnels) that anyone can use to create high converting landing pages for generating enquiries and mailing list signups (page 63)

  • My tried and tested strategy for sending emails that turn people into qualified leads (page 69)

  • Examples of how to write killer copy that uses psychology to convince people to take action and use your services (page 72)

  • The single most important thing you can do to convert more of your leads into clients (page 82)

  • And much MUCH more...


You do NOT need to buy low quality leads from third party lead generation companies because this system that I used myself when I had my own mortgage brokerage will work for you too!

Imagine this. If you had 100 people visit your website every day, how many of them do you think might be capable of becoming highly qualified leads for you as a mortgage adviser?

Let's be conservative and say it was just 5%...5 people out of 100.

If you had five people every day filling out an enquiry form to book a call with you, and if those five people already knew what you do and had seen how well placed you were to help them achieve their financial goals...

How many of those calls do you think you could convert?

Five calls per day, working just Monday - Friday, is approximately 100 calls per month.

Out of 100 calls with highly qualified prospects who have consumed your content and THEN decided to apply to speak with you...

How many do you think would become clients? 20%? 50%?

Does it really even matter when there is so much demand for your help?

You could be terrible at sales and close 5 out of 100 highly qualified candidates every month. Or you could be great at sales and close 30-40 or more.

Either way, your business, life and finances will be transforming before your very eyes.


For just £7 you can purchase my 94 page book, Building an Automated Mortgage Lead Machine, for immediate download and get everything you need to implement this game-changing strategy into your mortgage business.

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you’re sceptical of ANY advertising claims at this point… I understand. And I’m not asking your to let your guard down. That would be unfair given how many half-truths there are on the internet to wade through.

Instead, here’s my offer:

Buy my book for £7 and get instant access to it as a PDF download.

If you dislike it for ANY reason… Just let me know and I’ll refund you the £7. You won’t even have to send anything back. Just ask for a refund, and it’s yours.

About the Author

David Miles

David Miles is a digital marketing consultant, trainer, speaker, and published author, with over 15 years' experience. He is a Google certified professional and is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs.

As well as running The PPC Machine, David is the Finance Director of a company with a £26m turnover and around 200 staff.

He is also a non-exec director of an insurance business and, early on in his career, owned a firm of IFAs and mortgage brokers.

So he understands the financial services sector and is fully aware of the particular challenges faced by people working in an FCA regulated environment.





Thousands, conservatively.

Not having a consistent source of new business in a shifting economy is risky...

And potentially catastrophic. In business, if you’re not growing, you’re dying. And after years of sitting stagnant and never cracking the code of consistent, predictable growth…

You’ll give up - either by choice or by force - and that’s the most costly outcome of all.


Do something different right now.

You can invest a few pounds in the same system that has taken mortgage brokers just like you from earning a few thousand a a few thousand a day.

Click the button below to get your copy of Building an Automated Mortgage Lead Machine before the price goes back up.

Thanks for reading this very long letter!

Best wishes,

David Miles

P.S. Here’s the TL;DR (too long; didn't read) summary in case you're pressed for time:

Buying mortgage leads from lead generation companies is a mug's game.

The "secret" to running a successful and profitable mortgage brokerage is to take control of your own lead generation.

You need to be able to drive interested visitors to your website and then take them through a process that converts them from cold leads to warm leads and then to qualified leads - and finally into clients.

This is the same process I created and used myself when I had my own mortgage and IFA firm back in the early days of the internet.

I’m offering you an eBook that walks you through how to do it.

It’s called Building an Automated Mortgage Lead Machine.

It'll show you how to put your mortgage lead generation on autopilot and build a sustainable and secure business.

It's currently reduced in price to just £7 and if you dislike it for any reason, just let me know. I’ll refund the money and you can keep the book.

This offer won’t last forever, so act fast!

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